Monday, July 19, 2010

Inspiring Business Talk..But What Next?

I always had this dream that I quit 925 job and start my own business.  Those days when my kids were small and there's only a couple of them, I sold a lot of things mostly homemade and ownmade.  I do bunga pahar for the weddings, hantaran, cookies, cakes, fresh flowers, hampers for newborn, corporate gift and selling fabrics too.  But as my kids multiply and started schooling, I found that it is more time-consuming at home, then I slowly leave those petty business.  Really enjoy those little business I used to do, but that was the past.  Reminiscing those old days, I started to feel the urge to do it again... So, the last 3 weekend (lama tak update blog nih...tons of work) I went to the seminar of 'Women In Business Seminar' held at Hotel Singgahsana for a halfday talk for a fee of RM100. 

It is really inspiring to hear two speakers (malay ladies) who started small and now doing well with the annual revenue run in the millions.. They are the owners of Little Haven and Hilyah (Islamic Fashion).  I mean this is real business, not those MLM things that I am not so fond of, regardless of so many people becoming rags to riches by these schemes.  These ladies are overseas graduates who quit 925 to be housewife... And they end-up doing business so successfully.. I'm trully proud of them and really inspired by them...Content of the seminar is very good as they touch both retail, wholesale and online.  They recommended this book if you want to know more about home-based business.

There's also another male speakers talk about financial risk, but I dont really care 'bout that, becos first and foremost important thing is to think of what business you want to go in.  Then the question of 'what next' popped on me?  What? When? How? Maybe start small?  At the end of the seminar, I know business is the way to go, but the questions is, would I take the risk of losing more time for my family and myself, my spritual being...  Susah nak jawab nih... All in all its very good eye-opening seminar for me to start off.. Well, of course Singgahsana lunch spread is so generous considering there's only 40 of us to wallup..

Mushroom soup is superb..

A little bit of everything..all of them are delicious..

Food aside, I need some soul searching on what I want to do in business.. With the re-org happenning every other month, maybe I need to plan something now.  Carry on with 925 for now, and at the mean time I will give some thought on things that I can do to balance between what I have now, and what I want to achieve in near future...


Telipuk Kuala said...

Go Rosebud, go...I support you! is definitely the way, but what? Thinking of the same thing too...but I am so risk averse!

Someday may be...;)

Rosebud said...

Actually business is not for low risk people like us.. but at a certain point, which aku pun tak tahu bila.. we might need to make that call.. until then, explore la dulu..