Not in the mood to eat rice this weekend. So for Saturday, I cook nasi himpit, with few accessories to go with it - kuah kacang, kari ayam and masak lodeh. Put three together on the nasi himpit its heaven. But some people would like to eat in different way, for example, Sofia only take it with kari ayam, Danny with one type of kuah at a time so he eat three-phase, Neesa love it with kuah kacang, syami slam dunk everything just like abang, for me I take the vege-minus-kuah from lontong then the chicken-minus kuah from curry then spoon in large number of kuah kacang. I always like my own kuah kacang because its to my taste - balance of sugar, salt and asam..

Then Sunday comes pulut kuning with rendang daging. I need to recover from the bad taste of pulut kuning I bought from gerai near Tangling last Friday. The pulut is OK, but as I covers those pulut with bad chicken curry, I can't eat the RM5 pulut at all. So I swear I need to put up a real good pulut these weekend to overcome my dissastisfaction on Friday. I cooked 1 kg of glutinous rice I bought at KB, very good quality pulut. So here's the pulut kuning with its accesories of rendang daging, telur dadar hijau (kelantan style) plus ikan kering..

Yummy..we eat half and the other half goes to Kak Na...
Haiya...still lots of carbo there la my are u gonna be the smallest loser then??? Hahah...joking only maaa. Loves pulut too...pulut inti is my fav..uuu...nyummmyyyy!
aku mana boleh tinggalkan carbo.. poning kopalo kalu tak dapat carbo satu hari...
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