At last I get to see this movie to the end. Its a long winding movie of hindi style. However, the good thing is it does not have those scene that man and woman sing songs after songs with erotic dancing and change attires. Once I read the review, I know I want to see it for my self. The movie is about the journey of one man to meet the president of the United States to tell him that 'My name is Khan, and I'm not a terrorrist'. This is the first movie of SRK-Kajol I watched since the great movie kuch-kuch-ho-ta-hai (I cry everytime I watch this movie - I'm the soapy type of person..). In short it tells the story of SRK being an autism kids (but smart) grown-up, migrate to US, meeting his love with single mother of one-kid (Kajol), then after the marriege, Kajol's son been beaten to death post-911 incident because his last name is Khan, makes Kajol regret she ever married a Khan. So this is where the journey begin, when Kajol told SRK to go tell the President that 'My name is Khan and I'm not a terorrist'. There is some weaknesses here and there, and rather winding plot hindi-style, but thats acceptable considering its a true hindi movie. Comparing to Slumdog on the other hand which is more refined, as its Danny Boyle's.

All in all, the film is said to clear some misperception of Islam in America. I think SRK toying with this idea after the incidence of he himself being 'grilled' by US immigration at the airport about a year ago. This is one of the best english-spoken-hindi-movie after Slumdog Millionaire (well if Slumdog Millionaire is considered in the same cateogry..). This is a feel good movie and good job there...
macam best ajer..teringin nak tengok
kalau hang nak, aku boleh bagi pinjam dvd dier..
Last Aku tengok cerita Hindi ni...masa sekolah menengah dulu. Bila kerja tak da masa dah. Bila kawin lagi la totally kena 'banned' pasal hubby tak suka...kikiki...jadi aku cuma ingat cerita2 lama je la macam Bobby, Sangam & Aaa Gale Lag Ja...chewahhh!
Laki aku pun tak suka gak citer hindi nih..tapi aku dok kat tepi katil pakai personal dvd player, cucuk hadphone kat kepala... Sangam best...aku tak leh lupa lagu dia.. do-sedo-sena-raha... aku sungguh mendayu. But if you like Sangam, you'll like Kuch-kuch, there's similarity there..
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