Time is PRECIOUS - precious that for every second you spend, wisely or otherwise will reflect of how and who you will be
Time is GOLD - its valuable commodity that cannot be purchase, once it left you
Time is like a KNIFE - it will cut you (take over) if you dont cut it..

We are always clouded with daily chores that we always put 'time' as an excuse of not doing things. We fail to prioritize things in our life that we thought that we dont have enough time to do things that we always wanted too. Me, for instant, always blame time for not updating this blog..its like once in a six month kind of things. But the fact is, is not that I dont have time, but I dont know how to prioritize my time. I dont properly plan my time. Juggling between task at work and some minutes to update my blog actually do not need a lot of time. During my easy day, I just leisurely stroll down waste the precious time to least precious things. Time and again I'm telling my self I need to manage my time, but I end-up with the same way in time management. Come 2010, I plan to at least read a good book at least one book a month. Its already 3rd month, and I'm still struggling to finish one that I am reading right now (though its almost finish now). I heard of this program Tanyalah Ustaz last weekend. It is really eye-opening when he said: "Kita sebenarnya punya banyak masa untuk buat kebaikan. Pergi masjid solat berjemaah, berada didalam program ilmu, baca Al-Quran. Tapi kita selalu dilalaikan benda dunia dan tertipu dengan bisikan syaitan. Masa ni bagaikan sebuah beg kembara. Jika kita sumbat saja barang kita yang kita nak bawa pergi melancung tu ke dalam bag tu melambak saja, pasti tak muat. Nak tutup pun tak boleh..Tapi cuba keluarkan balik, lipat betul2 pakaian kita, kemas betul2 barang toiletteries di satu sudut, makanan di sudut lain..pasti masih ada ruang di dalam beg itu untuk benda2 lain yg lebih penting".
Left me thinking....
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