Moist Chocolate Cake - Home Made
Last weekend is the first weekend since end January, I'm home. Otherwise, I flying back and forth to KB-KL to attend to mom. So I spend Sunday doing some baking, while trying out my new oven. Not really use to this oven yet. Last time, my Moullinexe only have simple button but bake perfectly, you just need to understand which rack to put what - then you are on your way to perfect baking. But this new Delonghi oven a lil bit complicated, with many functions, plus no proper instruction in the booklet. Delonghi supposed to be good, being own by Kenwood, but unfamiliarity to it has given bad output in my last 2 bakings. Kek aku mendap... After, 3rd try, wallah, I'm successful, alhamdulillah..
This is my delicous moist choc cake, best eat with vanilla ice cream or simply top it up with hersheys choc fudge..yummy.. dont ask for recipes, I only belasah as usual...
nak resepi gak.....
hang ni, asyik kumpul resepi jer..bila nak buat real baking nyo wei..
Agak eh dah boleh buat bantal koleksi resepi mija kaaaannn...(hahah...kutuk sama dia!)
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