Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Camera First Fork Later

Actually, I got this article titled as above from NST dated 12 April 2010 which original article is from New York Times.  Lately I have this urge of taking picture, before I eat.  NYT wrote that there is growing trend in keeping a photographic diary.  Though my blog is not totally about food diary, I think food-blogging is the easiest and most interesting to be read (air liur meleleh bila tengok makanan sedap..).  Some interesting facts and qoutes I capture from this article:

"Today, people are showing the world what they eat by photographing every meal, revealing themselves.."

"Last two years Flickr have about 600,000 food photos, now it has about 6 million"

"People I have never met follow blog and know me through food"

"A psychiatrist said that - in the unconscious mind, food equals love because food is our deepest and earliest connection with our care taker"

"French philosopher and gourmand said in 1825 - Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are"

I think I am starting to love food blogging and photography.  Maybe I can be like Hanieliza or RedMummy - generating big income, and it started form simple blog.  Hope this is sustainable.. ;-)


Telipuk Kuala said...

Yeah, why not? I mean, the combination does sound great...give it a try!

I kind of like the idea of generating money through blog...but, definitely not for kltraffic...I don't like the idea of having strangers as follower. They can read it by accident...but hopefully not making it a habit to keep on following...

Rosebud said...

Ya lah TPuk, aku pun tak nak public baca.. takut kena saman.. nak pulak sebut nama rozita che wan... sah sah kena saman dik si pengusaha bulu mata terkenal tuh..