Flight kami adalah hari Sabtu 29 Jan 2011 pukul 10.40 pagi. Seperti biasa aku memang ada masalah nak lelap malam tu kalau next day nak travel...Dlm tidur2 ayam, awal la aku bangun. Sudah solat subuh, kami dah siap tunggu my BIL Abe Ghani nak hantar kami ke KL Sentral. Kali ni hantar sampai KL Sentral jer sebab budak2 nak rasa naik ERL. We check-in at MAS counter KL Sentral so we have plentry of time for the last good cheap breakfast in this country before we fly. We have pretty big breakfast - nasi lemak ayam goreng berempah kat foodcourt KL Sentral. Cost only RM4 - aku dah siap convert - tak sampai pun £1. Right after breakfast we head for ERL to KLIA.
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ERL ready to board - first time for my children, normally somebody would sent us direct to the airport. But, ERL surely is the most convenient transport to KLIA. |
We take flight MH4 at 10.40am and expected to arrive at Heathrow at 4.20pm same day London time. It is an 11 plus hour journey. So we expected a tired foot and body aching at the end...but excitement overcome all those. Plus points for taking MAS are food and entertainment. Kalau lapar or dahaga anytime boleh request for snack and drinks. Latest movies is abundant - so time flies quite smoothly. As for me, I would sleep some, and the rest of the time I would be reading papers and watch at least 2 movies. Journey was fine... 4.20 pm we landed at Heathrow Airport Terminal 4. I'm glad that MAS now moved from the ancient terminal 3 to this new terminal. Clean and new. Dulu terminal 3 kotor dan crowded. Masa nak keluar kapal, terjumpa x-boss Dr. Fazul who also came here for holiday cum visiting his son at Warwick. We exchanged few friendly notes while waiting for immi check - which took almost one hour. What surprise me, the immi officer is very friendly. Those days, UK immi officer macam nak makan orang...tak friendly langsung..Tanya pun baik "You are here for holiday? Is Malaysia is having long holiday now?" Me: "Malaysia is on long leave for CNY holiday". She: "Its cold here you know". Me: "We like cold weather". She smile and wish us "Have a nice holiday". Tu aja..settle
Habis immi check, kita org pergi Terminal 5 untuk check-in hotel...
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Waiting for train from Terminal 4 |
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Train - still new, those days naik bas buruk untuk tukar terminal |
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Tunggu feeder bus pergi Hotel Travelodge Terminal 5 - anak2 punya seronok sebab bercakap keluar asap...first time..dia orang sibuk dok sembur asap keluar mulut - ME seronok tengok anak2 seronok |
Kita orang dok hotel nearby Terminal 5 utk satu mlm saja. Sebabnya kami sampai dah malam dan badan dah penat, kalau nak gi London city malam ni jugak mesti letih. So aku plan rehat betul2 malam ni kat airport hotel. Gitu gini kita org sampai hotel dah dekat 7 mlm waktu UK, waktu Malaysia 3 pagi. Mestilah penat...So first thing sampai hotel aku terus masak nasi dgn lauk pokcik Brahim. Makan dan terus tidor. Unpack sikit jer kat sini sebab esok dah checkout lagi..
Hotel ni sangat2 murah. We take 2 family rooms, cost us only £19 per room. For a UK standard - sangat murah. Family rooms can fit in 4 adults. Bilik luas dan ada free drinks lagi. I book this hotel online. Bukan tarap 5star, but it definitely worth every penny.
Hotel ni sangat2 murah. We take 2 family rooms, cost us only £19 per room. For a UK standard - sangat murah. Family rooms can fit in 4 adults. Bilik luas dan ada free drinks lagi. I book this hotel online. Bukan tarap 5star, but it definitely worth every penny.
Habis Day 1..Perjalanan penat tapi seronok sebab dah selamat sampai tempat yg dituju...
Ya...ya...budak-budak memang suka bab bercakap keluar asap tu...masa kitaorang main snow kat NSW last yer pun, itulah peberet diaorang...tapi for me, tobat lahum la nak duduk lama-lama kat tempat sejuk gitu.
Itu la first time encounter can..masa first few days jer seronok cakap kuar asap.. pastu tak de mende dah..Tak tahan sejuk ada la..
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