Day 3 - Today we are heading to Paris - to Paris Disneyland to be exact.
Early in the morning we check-out from Travelodge Royal Scot St. Pancras. Just after 4 am we walk down to St Pancras. We immediately proceed for baggage scanning, and then proceed for immi check by France officer. Check was smooth, and we waited a bit at departure hall for the train to arrive. During the waiting, we met 3 Malaysian guys came for holiday and we exchanged few friendly notes. They are perhaps in their 30-40s. Mungkin pergi sama2 laki2 lagi seronok dari pergi dgn famili - no strings attached..
At around 5:00 am, we were allowed to board the train. Exactly 5:20 am the train departed. Eurostar is one of the fastest way travelling from London to Paris - just above 2 hours. I actually wanted to experience travelling under the water of English Channel. But I slept all the way, so I deduced that it wouldn't be any different than travelling below Sg. Klang by Putra LRT. We booked the train ticket 3 months in advance, so price is quite reasonable - around €69 per adult tickect. Cheaper for children. Train is fulled. Its Monday, perhaps many Londoners on weekend break going back to Paris for work on Monday. Most dressed in business suites. There is cafetaria in one of the coach. So we bought some drinks and croissants for breakfast.
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Ini la gerabak Eurostar yang kami naik - panjang train ni, kiranya kalau dapat coach yang belakang tuh, letih jugak la nak sampai.. |
We arrived Paris at Gare Du Nord Station at 8:50 am. Paris time is +1 from London. No more immi check here. We went down to its underground called RER and Metro. Since we are going to Paris outskirt to Disneyland, we need to take RER. It cost around €6. At 10 we arrived at the Disneyland Station or better known as Marna-la-Vallee. First thing when we were out of train - its snowing a little. Yes..its freezing cold in Paris. And kids get to taste a little of snow.. macam salji renyai-renyai wei...
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Ini la stesen Marna-la-Vallee - turun-turun jer snow menyapa sepoi2 bahasa..tak nampak kat gambar ni sebab renyai2 jer.. |
When we go out of the station we can see many people already queeing for the security check at the entrance point. They are not that strict on food. So my nasi impit and sambal daging balance from breakfast in London pass thru easily... Good thing it was not too crowded that day, maybe its Monday. Such a good feeling I have.. Disneyland at last...Teringat balik zaman2 muda2 dulu masa kat US, memang suka sangat gi Disneyland..Macam tak sangka pulak dapat datang dgn famili...Ala2 terharu gitew...
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Entrance area - agak lengang.. |
Interesting encounter - A young couple asked my son to take their pic. My son obliged.. After that, boyfriend said:"Gracias", girlfriend said:"Terima Kasih" and they are 100% mat salleh, maybe spanish. I have many of these encounters, and I'm surprised that there are many european that I met in this trip actually knew we are Malaysian and spoken to us in BM without even asking "where are you from?"
There are two parks here i.e. Disneyland Parks and Walt Disney Studios. We got both parks entry for the price of one - its winter offer. As winter operating hours is only upto 6:00 pm, we have to be selective because there is so many rides to cover within one day.. I have the pride to choose the first ride - Space Mountain. During my uni days, I pay homage to LA Disneyland every year and I love this ride the most..Its like reminiscing those good old days.. Queue was short so we were on in no time. After the ride, then the reality set in...I got this nauseatic feeling. I took a deep thought for a while...I knew can't be doing this anymore..I'm old..I can't live up the memories anymore. Soon after this ride, I took a rest at cafe theathre having tea while watching disney classics on big screen. Hubby and kids continue to explore. Later on we have big lunch of Fish N Chips that cost €8 per plate. Then we took few more rides before we moved to Walt Disney Studios next door. Ni aku paste la sikit2 gambar kat sini..kalau nak tengok banyak, come to my place..
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Tempat ni dia panggil USA Main Street - kalau masa summer kat sini dia buat parade. Masa winter ni ada mini parade jer.. |
We closed the day after few more rides in Walt Disney Studios. Dah dengar announcement park tutup baru kami keluar. The good thing about coming to Disneyland in winter and weekdays, org tak ramai, naik ride beratur sgt sekejap. The minus part is its freezing cold here in Paris, so you need to warm up inside every other hour. Operating time is shorter, no fireworks at the closing time and there is only mini parade... Nevertheless we ended our day in this dreamland happy although tired and freezing...
There is free shuttle bus took us from Disneyland to our next hotel - Hotel Kyriad Disneyland. I found this hotel from and read the review from Tripadvisor. Its the cheapest among the Disney Hotel chain i.e. €70 per room inclusive of buffet breakfast.
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Bilik aku, hubby and the girls - the boys take the double room next door. The room is moderate in size. Clean with country setting, so its very cozy..I like this hotel..itu yang tidur tak hengat.. |
We're so tired, so all of us fast asleep by 8:00 pm. Suprisingly nobody wants dinner after heavy loads of Fish N Chips at Disneyland...
Day 3 - Malam tu, aku mimpi masih dok kat dlm Disneyland lagik...
Mimpi yang dah jadi nyata masuk balik dalam!!