Actually I'm not really the cat hatter or phobic like our friends Sirapmadu. It just that I dont like to manage their waste. But the problem I have is, everywhere I live, I surely lived with immediate neighbor who deadly love cats. When I live in USJ, my neighbor love their cats so much, they have cat house - but pee and shit everywhere. Then at Changkat, we also encounter with cat lovers, but still manageable, coz they take care of their cats' waste. Then we move to Melati, its quite bad because they dont care where their cats pee or shit... Then comes our current neighbour who really love cats that they lived together in the same house and there about 50 - 60 of them (according to my amah la kan...). There are many of these cats get pregnant then they have babies then get multiplied... Adoi.. The worst thing is some of them pee and shit happily in our compound. And.. almost everyday my amah need to cleaned up their waste... Why cant cat owners be more responsible, I wonder..
When I saw the news today of the 'octomom' Nadya Suleman (mom with 8 octoplets in US)...
is paid by PETA to have the SIGN below on her house (and get paid too), I wish I could also put those on mine (no need to pay maa..) and facing my neighbor's house.... something my neighbor.. cant stand the smell everyday....
Hahaha...laki Aku pun sokong gak tu, pasal makin banyak dah kucing kat rumah Aku ni...lepas tu diaorang suka-suka melepak atas kereta...
abih bergarik kereta aku wei...
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