Friday, April 30, 2010

Gelora di Hati Siapa Yang Tahu

Teringat tajuk cerita lakunan Fauziah Latiff dan Rosyam - Gelora di Hati Sara.  Cerita ni memang best, sebab lakunan Jee very refreshing dalam drama berantai arahan Rosyam ni.  Namun aku kurang gemar dengan lakunan Rosyam, terlalu streotype, I think he need to stop acting in his own piece and find another lead actor.  Anyway, bukan itu yang aku nak bicarakan.  Aku ingin bicara pasal gelora di hati.  Aku nak berbicara tentang betapa susahnya kita nak pagar hati dan fikiran kita dari kerunsingan.  Kalau hati dan perasaan kita ni boleh di pagar sebagaimana Israel memenjara warga Palestin dengan tembok konkrit di bumi sendiri, tentulah senang hidup ini...Tapi hakikat tidak sebegitu.  Terasa susah sangat nak memfokuskan kepada 'end-in-mind' iaitu akhirat dan Allah Azzawajalla.  Datang pulak gelora tu masa period... Lagi lah kantoi nak merasionalkan segala-galanya.  Perkara ringan terasa berat dan tak terhapus dengan hanya dengan zikir-zikir biasa. 

Lalu bagaimana kita nak menghadapi gelora disaat kita vulnerable? Di saat kita rasa no body cares? Walau kita tahu sebahagian perasaan itu hanya bisikan syaitan.  Dan ayat2 pelembut hati sendiri hanya berkumat kamit di bibir.  Tidak menerjah ke dalam hati.  Kata2 hikmah Dr. Lawrence di kertas hijau dari challenge passion hanya lalu diminda.  Tidak juga menerjah ke dalam hati. Bagaimana kita nak menterjemahkan 'Habluminallah WA Habluminannas'?  Aku tiada jawapan..

Aku berdoa kerunsingan ini akan berlalu cepat... Ada sepotong newspaper cutting yang aku simpan di bawah mousepad ku.  Dah hancai, tapi kata-kata hikmah dari Dr. Rubiah K. Hamzah aku baca berulang-ulang di saat begini.  Ku tulis kembali - untuk diriku dan juga sahabat2 yg membaca..

Janganlan bersedih, kerana kesedihan hanya akan membuat anda lemah dalam beribadat, membuat anda malas berjihad, membuat anda putus harapan dan mendorong anda untuk buruk sangka.  Rasa sedih juga akan menjadi akar penyakit jiwa, sumber penyakit saraf, boleh menghancur jiwa, dan pencetus keraguan dan kebingungan.

Langkah paling baik ialah belajar membuat pilihan, rawatlah hati dan perasaan menggunakan apa yang kita ada.  Kita masih ada Al-Quran, ada doa, ada solat, ada sedekah, ada kesempatan berbuat baik.

Jangan pernah menyerah dengan kebimbangan dan kesedihan, lawanlah dengan solat, bertasbih, menulis, membaca, menerima tamu.

Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud, "Berdoalah kamu kepada Ku, nescaya akan Aku perkenankan bagi mu" QS Al-Mukmin:60

Kemudian Allah SWT menjamin lagi menerusi firman Nya dalam surah Al-A'raf:55 "Berdoalah kamu kepada Rabb-mu dengan merendah diri dan suara yang lembut". 

Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang yang melampaui batas.

Semuga gelora ini berlalu jua.. Ameen. 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Barang Rampasan Pertama..

Hari ni hari bonus.. Alhamdulillah dapat jugak bonus tahun ni dalam kegawatan, dan walaupun bukanlah banyak sangat lepas potong cukai.  Dah dapat tu apa lagi, terus aku manafaatkan kat Bazar kat bawah.  Jadi inilah barang rampasan pertama aku untuk bonus kali nih.. Murah jer.. lebih kurang 5 hengget jer satu.. OK tu lah tak payah berasak ramai2 kat Jalan Tuanku, tapi dapat tudung 5 hengget..

Yang ini, tudung Syria namanya, ada 2 piece anak dan ibu, senang pakai, sarung jer (RM15)

Yg ni pulak selendang paten abstrak, murah jer 5 hengget, paten sama warna jer lain..I like..

Yang ni pun selendang gak, 5 hengget (lepas minta diskon), patern arab gitu..ini senang pusing, tak lari..

So itulah harta rampasan pertamaku, immediately selepas dapat bonus.  Aku sedang merancang utk menyerang beberapa pusat jualan lagi untuk rampasan berikutnya...

Stay tuned...

Monday, April 26, 2010


24th April is the EARTH Day celebration at my office.  I dont know if EARTH Day is celebrated commonly on the same day around the world.  But the office encouraged people to wear green on 24th. Since  last week sibuk and tak sempat nak update blog, I just put some pic today that we took on the green day.  Actually, its quite interesting I see many people quite sporting in putting on their greens on the day.  While some doesn't have a clue.. 'aku tak baca pun e-mail' wearing some other color.  The others don't wear it because 'alah... so what? benda2 mcm ni yg dia orang sibuk nak buat'.  But of course some says they didn't have any green they can put on... Anyway, whatever the reasons are, you surely know wearing green on 24th will not make earth greener, but what makes it greener is your attitude all year long towards the greener earth.  Some people thought that their small effort doesn't means anything.. but to me that's very wrong attitude. For every little thing you do, you contribute no matter how small.   You can start with very little effort, like think b4 print, print double sided and B&W, off the power/light, use water descretely (Malaysian is the highest water user in Asia mind you..), recycle used paper, avoid plastic bags where possible.  This is really green efforts, seems small but when everybody do it, it become big..

Anyway, back to rhetoric (rhetoric tidak membawa apa2 kecuali simbol) ... here we are wearing all greens.  Those who wear Petronas green actually will turn blue in the photo..

Self-snap pakai front-camera phone.. blurr sikit..(cam janji plak aku ngan sirap pakai tudung sama)

Camera-phone aku memang tak clear sangat

challenge...passion to win style..(camera Asmah ni elok la sikit kan... - last minute baru wat kuar camera)

I think this is fun.  Kuhan sent the picture to GCC. Many division is sending the picture, and heard that the mailbox is full.. Who knows if we win something...

Grinnns on greens..

Late Celebration - Actually Not a Celebration, Potong Kek Only....

We have to put off Syahmi's birthday celebration potong kek a few times, either because we have a fully busy weekend or him not able to come back.. Time is so fast, and he is on his 19th birthday (and that also means I have been married for 20 years).  How time flies when you are having fun.. (Alhamdulillah).  Sometimes I didn't realize that I am this old.  When I met many old friends at Facebook, and see them in different sizes (that means body), colors (that means hair) and faces (sagging face, but I saw one with botox, she's a goddess!!), it come to reality that I have left 'that life' some twenty to thirty years ago... Wow, that's a long time my friend (Anyway, I put the best awet muda picture in my facebook so that people still recognise me.. he..he..he..).  Looking back, I didnt expect today that I have four kids and actually raised them - I am naughty kids those days ;-). I am glad that I passed the path that I have been, and every lesson is surely a valuable one...

OK, back to Syahmi's birthday,  I've been longing for icecream cakes so I bought this delicious strawberry icecream cake from King's.  It's a strawberry icecream layered over vanilla cake.  It taste much better than the overly creamed Secret Recipe's cakes...

Whole cake, and after I slice it... that's really yummy..

Normally, birthday cake will take around 3 days to finish..but this one gone very quickly.. Birthday boy hate to be photographed..but lets be sporting boy..

Oh ya.. this cake is just for dessert.  Earlier we have nasi kerabu hitam that I first time cook, in grey color (normally its white).  I bought the rice coloring when I went back to KB.  So I thought I wanna try it.  Actually I just spilled it on a little bit too much, so its darker than it should be.  Nonetheless the coloring is tasteless, so it does not spoil the taste of my delicious nasi kerabu...

That's about the small celebration that we have for Syahmi..
Happy Birthday Abang Syahmi - wherever you are, whatever you do, always be on the track of prayer will always be with you..

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ada Apa Dgn Mertua Vs Menantu?

Itulah tajuk drama bersiri yang sekarang bersiaran di Astro untuk musim kedua.  Sebenarnya aku tak pernah tengok pun citer ni, cuma tengok gazet dia jer.  Aku kat sini pun bukan nak cakap pasal cerita ni, tapi pasal gambar iklan yang terpapar kat dada2 akhbar satu page penuh.  Kalau musim yang lalu, Astro atau MIG (tak tau sape punya A&P bajet), dia letak gambar ni..

dan ini...

tapi yang keluar semalam, gambar yang ini (blur sikit, direct snap on the newspaper)..

Aku rasa macam tak patut jer gambar ni di buat iklan - I mean, what we are trying to show here... Menantu boleh angkat penyapu feather-duster macam tu ke kat mentua.. Secara tak sedar sebenarnya, iklan ni mengajar orang jadi kurang ajar.  Mungkin tujuannya 'satire' tapi ini lebih teruk dari Halimah Jongang.  Bukankah mertabat mertua sama dengan ibu?  Kadang aku tak faham kenapa iklan keterlaluan cam ni boleh lepas.  Salah satu iklan yang aku rasa sangat menjolok mata yang sekarang kerap diputarkan prime time ialah iklan Sendayu Tinggi - ya Allah, Rozita Che Wan punya aksi lenggang sungguh menjolok mata (or is it only camera trick) - malu rasanya kalau masa tu tengok ngan anak2 and hubby (takut gak kalu laki aku tenung montot dia semacam jer...).

Back to mertua vs menantu nih, memang masalah ini adalah masalah purbakala dan sejagat.  Ini masalah dulu, kini, dan selamanya.  Itulah kurniaan Allah yg dilebihkan kepada setiap wanita - penuh emosi. Emosi wanita ni la kalau tak kawal boleh bawak bencana.  Sebab tu tak banyak cerita lara yg kita dengar pasal menantu lelaki ngan mertua pompuan atau menantu pompuan ngan mentua lelaki.  Menantu lelaki ngan mentua lelaki lagi lah jarang. Situasi ni boleh berlaku kat mana2 jer. Mat salleh lagi la, lepas kawin ada yang tak jenguk mentua pun ada, cucu tak kenal nenek tu biasa.  Teringat aku tengok cerita yg aku tengok ni... Gara2 kawin anak tunggal, merana jugak lah si J Lo semasa awal perkahwinan tu..

Berbalik kepada hakikatnya 'dunia ni sikit sangat', aku rasa kita patut ada toleransi dlm hubungan dgn in-law nih.. Banyak benda 'pelik' yg mak kita buat atau cakap kita tak ambik pot, tapi kalau mentua kita buat yg sama kita cepat nak marah or kecik hati.  Itulah yg aku nak ingatkan kat diri sendiri, kena didik hati tu, mak ngan mentua sama taraf. Walaupun kadang tergelinicir, tapi kena cuba sebaik mungkin.  Bukankah dia wanita yang melahirkan suami yang kita sayangi tu?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Camera First Fork Later

Actually, I got this article titled as above from NST dated 12 April 2010 which original article is from New York Times.  Lately I have this urge of taking picture, before I eat.  NYT wrote that there is growing trend in keeping a photographic diary.  Though my blog is not totally about food diary, I think food-blogging is the easiest and most interesting to be read (air liur meleleh bila tengok makanan sedap..).  Some interesting facts and qoutes I capture from this article:

"Today, people are showing the world what they eat by photographing every meal, revealing themselves.."

"Last two years Flickr have about 600,000 food photos, now it has about 6 million"

"People I have never met follow blog and know me through food"

"A psychiatrist said that - in the unconscious mind, food equals love because food is our deepest and earliest connection with our care taker"

"French philosopher and gourmand said in 1825 - Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are"

I think I am starting to love food blogging and photography.  Maybe I can be like Hanieliza or RedMummy - generating big income, and it started form simple blog.  Hope this is sustainable.. ;-)

Monday, April 12, 2010

KB Food Galore

Actually, I should refrain myself from eating so much food again over the weekend after two major feast this week.  But, being in KB, you cannot just resist food.  As always said, I hardly eat sweet kuih in KL, except if its homemade, like Tellipuk's mom heavenly made kuih. Despite the two big food I have mid-week, I actually have been eating porridge since Thurday buka puasa time as I have this gastric-like sympton, similar to food poisoning.. So before flight on Saturday, I just take small McD porridge at the airport.  Upon arriving home, kiss my mom, then went straight to Pasar Wakaf Che Yeh to get something for breakfast - I mean, I need a real food after 2 days of porridge and oats..

Craving stomach lead to big sin...

Day 1, Sin No. 1 - Nasi Dagang Terengganu with Fish cost me RM2.00

Day 1, Sin No. 2 - Laksa Kelantan cost me RM1.00

Day 1, Sin No. 3 - Kuih Muih cost me RM4.00

The Tapai Beras is very sweet (5 pieces for RM1), tasty supersize Akok (5 pieces for RM2), Poli which taste like kuih lopes (RM1 per pack).  My stomach cannot manage all these, so I minus the Poli.

Day 1, Sin No. 4 - In the afternoon, somebody came to see my father and brought this Char Kuey with homemade kaya (Thai influence) plus Roti Goreng Inti Kacang.  Delicious !!

On Day 2, I hunted for more sinful food for breakfast...

Day 2, Sin No. 1 - Nasi Kerabu with Salted Eggs for RM2.00 - yummy.  My maid fried some salted ikan kurau to go with it. Double yummy..

Day 2, Sin No. 2 - Benkang Bakar cost me RM3.00, this thing taste really good, and I finish half of it for myself.  I mean the standard is similar to Topline Caterer - highly cholestroled, but not too sweet.

Day 2, Sin No. 3 - Ketupat (actually my aunt bought this for me, its only RM1 per bundle of 5, so RM3 for 3 bundle - I swear this is cheapest food in the whole world..).  Ketupat lemak or fondly called ketupat tawar in Kelantan is best eaten with gula melaka, unlike the norm of rendang condiment you guys normally eat.  So, I eat the Kelantan way..

I actually bought two more meal on Day 2, but forgot to snap picture, which is Nasi Dagang Kelongsong and Nasi Tumpang (Tupe).  I have been on food fair for the last two days, especially breakfast, I think I need to do some repenting.  And, my fasting today hopefully wash down some of the sins that I made the last two days. Amen...

7 Purnama - Dulu dan Sekarang

Aku balik ke KB lagi - sebahagian dari jadual rutin untuk lihat ibu sakit.  Kira-kira alternate week lah, bergilir dengan Kak Na.. Sebenarnya aku merasa teramat bersyukur, selepas 2 minggu, begitu banyak improvement berlaku pada ibu dari segi fizikal.  Syukur kepada Mu Ya Allah, rasa lapang sedikit dada aku kali ini...  Namun keadaan mental ibu yang nyanyuk dan berhalisunasi masih tidak sembuh.  Aku kira ini adalah sebahagian dari simptom Parkinson disease yang ibu alami.  Kalau orang melayu kita, kita sebut sakit tua.  Tapi hakikat saintifiknya begitulah.  Aku sebenarnya simpati juga dengan ayah dan maid ku yang terpaksa berdepan dengan karenah pemikiran yang tidak stabil yang di alami ibu.  Dia lebih kepada 'short memoray loss, long memory stay'.  Namun, melihat di sudut positif, Allah telah kabulkan doa kita agar kesihatannya bertambah baik, yang itu sudah tertunai walau tak sepenuhnya, maka perlu juga kita terjemahkan cabaran yang selebihnya ini dalam bentuk kesabaran.  Itu saja yang aku mampu katakan untuk dua orang terdekat dengan ibu di KB.

Dalam aku sibuk melayan ibu sempat juga aku menjenguk anak buah ku Amsyar Mikail yang mendapat Leukimia - ya sejak Hari Raya 2009 yang lepas.  Dia memang nampak lemah tidak bermaya namun nyata gembira menikmati kebebasan dapat bercuti balik ke rumah, maklumlah kebanyakan masa dalam 7 bulan yang lepas dihabiskan di hospital - ICU dan 'Freezer' memang rumah keduanya.  Kesan rawatan Kimo memang tidak dapat dijangka pada sikecil ini.  Entah apa yang berada dihadapannya, hanya Allah yang tahu.

Tujuh bulan yang lalu semasa Hari Raya Puasa 2009, tergambar wajah ceria dua insan ini...

Dan selepas 7 Purnama, ini sahaja yang mampu di berikan...

Tiada siapa yang tahu apa akan berlaku walau sesaat kehadapan.  Apa yang tertulis di Luh Mahfuz, hanyalah milik Allah.  Apa pun pentakdirannya, aku hanya mampu berdoa wajah-wajah ini diberi yang terbaik oleh Allah...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Makan Makan - Restoran Salero Negori

Today, few of Bakit Helwa's members that involved in Kelantan event were treated for lunch at Restoran Salero Negori.  As the name says it, its negori 9 and nasi padang theme.  It is located at the 2nd floor of Amcorp Mall. 

After good food during yesterday's training session, I thought I wanna go slow a lil bit today.  I mean those calories I wallup especially during afternoon teabreak - 4 super sinful tepung pelita plus 4 piece of roti jala banjir with chicken curry.  Aiyoo..Asmah, you're really serious about food ha... Topline Caterer is no nonsense food provider..

Back to this afternoon food, the menu is all delicious padang/negori food.  We take super crunchy daging dendeng, green sambal, masak lemak sambal tempoyak (my super favorite), gulai daging, gulai kaki lembu, ikan patin bakar masak lemak cili padi and ayam penyet.  Wah... food is so tasty.  Though we have ordered many varieties, I focus on my 2 favorite lauk i.e. masak lemak tempoyak and daging dendeng.  Wallah...puas aku makan...

For drinks, I ordered 'teh botol'.  'Teh botol' that is imported from Indonesia, is a fragrant bottled tea, taste very nice, similar to green tea aroma.  Its dejavu feeling, because this is my favorite drinks during my visit to Bandung.  Ni ha, aku angkat botol dia..

Me, Shikin and Faeza (lapar wei..where's the rest??)

Kak Haraza and Dr. Faridah..tak sabar nak makan, tunggu tukang belanja sampai

For dessert, lupa pulak aku nak amik gambar... Many of my friends have cool sago with coconut milk and brown sugar, while I settle for extremely yummy tapai beras top with vanilla ice cream.  So that's the end of of the good lunch - fully sponsored by Mrs NGN/HSBB, Puan Sal.

Thanks Puan Sal - lupa nak salam masa nak balik tadi... 

Antara Lombok dan Langkawi

Itulah cerita yang berlegar kat paper 2 - 3 minggu ni.  Lombok memang dah bersepah.  Katanya lebih 500 gadis Malaysia di larikan (?) ke Lombok - dalam sedar - atas dasar cinta.  Hmm.. murah betul harga sebuah cinta.  Cinta memang buta, tapi begitulah nasib perempuan, tidak habis-habis tertipu dengan cinta.  Bila sedar barulah "Tipah tertipu bang...".  Perempuan memang insan lemah, manakala lelaki pula insan opportunis. Perempuan suka buat kesalahan sama berulang kali, tak nak belajar dari kesilapan orang lain, tapi cipta kesalahan sendiri, baru nak belajar.  Dalam dok kecoh dengan cinta Lombok, datang pula cinta Langkawi.  Aku memang cukup terganggu dengan isu-isu sebegini, almaklumlah aku ada dua anak dara.  Fenomena ni memang buat aku kecut perut.  Tapi aku doa ajelah.. Yg aku dok hangat sangat nih, yg mak bapak si jantan tu, kenapa tak boleh nasihat kat budak yang setahun jagung nih.. Manalah budak ni tahu kahwin tu susah. Aku tumpang meleleh airmata tengok gambar ni tertera kat paper... mak dia pengsan kat atas kusyen tuh..dia boleh bagi muka beruk tuhh.. dasar anak derhaka.. Lupa dia betapa pedih mak dia mengandung 9 bulan, nak beranak separuh mati, kecik2 tak tidur malam, cabaran nak membela pulak sampai 15 tahun..

Terbaca jugak kat Berita Harian, satu surat terbuka untuk remaja yang dikatakan pintar ni, memang banyak nasihat yg dihamburkan.  Kalau tak dengar lagi tak tau la aku. Asasnya, kahwin bukan penutup cerita, macam dalam drama tuh.. kahwin adalah pembuka cerita, jalan yang ranjau, kerana yang indah seperti 'bulan madu di awan biru' itu akan hilang hanya selepas beberapa minggu sahaja. Lepas tuh.. banyak la jumpa jalan-jalan berlubang dan berliku nak kena ngadap.  Masa tu baru tahu langit tinggi rendah...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Movie Weekend - How to Train Your Dragon

Lately Hollywood goes crazy over 3D movie.  Many animated/CGI or mix animated/CGI movie comes with 3D options.  My last movie is Avatar.  Avatar is my most liked sci-fi movie, it's not plain sci-fi, its full of emotion.  Come Sunday, we went to KLCC quite late since Danny already purchased the ticket on Saturday (letih sikit ari ni sebab pagi-pagi buta dah masak Nasi Beriyani, ada old relatives coming for lunch..).  How to Train Your Dragon is the new Dreamworks's work, and I got to be there to enjoy the 3D things.  Well, I would say it's a pretty good 3D they produced here compared to 'Monster Vs. Alien' which I least impressed - biasa- biasa jer.  The story is about 'Hiccup', a son of a viking overcome his fear of fighting the dragon, by taming it.. Watch for your self guys - bring your kids, they'll love it..

It's cool...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Name Is Khan

At last I get to see this movie to the end. Its a long winding movie of hindi style. However, the good thing is it does not have those scene that man and woman sing songs after songs with erotic dancing and change attires. Once I read the review, I know I want to see it for my self. The movie is about the journey of one man to meet the president of the United States to tell him that 'My name is Khan, and I'm not a terrorrist'. This is the first movie of SRK-Kajol I watched since the great movie kuch-kuch-ho-ta-hai (I cry everytime I watch this movie - I'm the soapy type of person..). In short it tells the story of SRK being an autism kids (but smart) grown-up, migrate to US, meeting his love with single mother of one-kid (Kajol), then after the marriege, Kajol's son been beaten to death post-911 incident because his last name is Khan, makes Kajol regret she ever married a Khan. So this is where the journey begin, when Kajol told SRK to go tell the President that 'My name is Khan and I'm not a terorrist'. There is some weaknesses here and there, and rather winding plot hindi-style, but thats acceptable considering its a true hindi movie. Comparing to Slumdog on the other hand which is more refined, as its Danny Boyle's.

All in all, the film is said to clear some misperception of Islam in America. I think SRK toying with this idea after the incidence of he himself being 'grilled' by US immigration at the airport about a year ago. This is one of the best english-spoken-hindi-movie after Slumdog Millionaire (well if Slumdog Millionaire is considered in the same cateogry..). This is a feel good movie and good job there...