Thursday, June 30, 2011

Kalau sudah bukan rezeki aku..

Cakap pasal rezeki memang semua orang paham kedudukan rezeki dalam kehidupan kita. Bukan senang nak redha bila tiba-tiba rezeki Allah tarik melalui macam-macam cara. Tapi sebenarnya rezeki turun naik tu memang sebahagian kehidupan. Teringat kisah dua bulan lepas, lepas pada boss announce bonus tahun ni, punya la aku happy giler.. Ya la ingatkan tahun ni company performance tak berapa memberangsangkan, tapi bila boss kata at least dua dlm tangan, happy la aku kira duit yang bakal masuk. Cerita ‘bukan rezeki’ bermula.. Biasanya aku tak drive, tapi hari tu aku drive.. Lepas tu biasa ikut highway, pastu hari tu ikut Jalan Gombak. Biasa tak jem, tapi hari tu jem.. So dalam dok jem org nak belok masuk Greenwood, aku nengok banyak kereta potong kot tepi emergency lane sebab kita nak terus.. Aku pun ikut jer belakang. Lepas traffic light, aku jalan macam biasa la, masuk balik main lane.. Tak berapa minit, satu kereta kat JPJ ni mengekor kat belakang dengan lampu ning-nong-ning-nong pastu siap pakai hailer – “berhenti kereta nombor (sebut no kereta aku)..berhenti” Dushhh! memalukan…dan sakit hati - kenapa dalam banyak2 kereta, aku sorang jer yang kena?

There goes my money. Aku yang tak pernah kena saman ni agak nervous jugak la. Dalam aku masih panas panas mengira berapa jumlah bonus aku nak dapat – TETIBA KENA TAHAN NGAN JPJ. Ada kawan aku cakap, nape tak bayor je kat depa tu..dia orang nak cari makan la tuh. Aku yang SPRM Compliance ni bukan saja tak sanggup nak bagi duit kopi tapi juga penakut.

Aku berenti. Aku nampak dari cermin belakang, 2 mamat tu keluar dari kereta dia. Aku pun baca segala macam ayat yang aku boleh ingat. Saat ini ayat kastam tak berguna lagi… Yang sorang muka comel macam boyfriend Abby Abadi dalam Gerak Khas tu. Yang boss dia pulak muka garang dengan misai huruf S - sebijik muka polis yang dah 15 tahun dlm Gerak Khas nama apa entah. Muka dia masam giler. Aku bagi yang muda tu IC ngan driver’s license.

Aku: “ Dik berapa kena”

Boyfriend Abby: “Yang ni kesalahan besar, RM300 Puan”

Aku: (DUSHHH..kesan bunyi macam jantung kena hentak) Banyaknya..boleh merayu ke? (sayu suara aku..)

Misai S: (Suara garang dan sedikit menjerit dengan mata terjegil) Mana boleh rayu2..bayar la…

Aku dalam hati: Mamat ni, perasan hebat, baik aku senyap jer la…

So aku dapat la resit RM300, yang mana hari ni 30 June 2011 - last date nak kena bayar. Nasib baik ada dividen Kotamas baru dapat lastweek. Cukup2 untuk bayar JPJ.

Itulah namanya rezeki. Kalau Allah nak bagi rezeki, sekelip mata rezeki tu jadi hak kita. Begitu juga, kalau Allah nak tarik rezeki kita, sekelip mata Allah tarik. Rezeki pun bukan hanya dalam bentuk RM saja. Allah boleh bagi rezeki dalam bentuk tenang, mudah, rehat, iman, senang hati, mudah kerja, sihat, suami , anak2, sahabat, saudaramara yang baik dan macam2 lagi.. Yang latest, kejadian petang last weekend – dalam aku dok bermalas-malas dengan baju kaftan sambil berinternet, tetiba jeritan amahku separuh histeria ‘Kak Da…bapak sakit..bapak kena stroke’. Sekali lagi Dushh... jantung aku tersentak.  Dan dengan tetiba jer ‘kerehatan’ aku Allah rentus, Dia tarik.. So aku terus hantar amah balik kampong next day. Rezeki kerehatan ditarik balik. Bermula dari situ jadual ku penuh kepenatan – INDEFINITELY…

Itulah – kalau sudah bukan rezeki aku. Pun begitu aku bersyukur teori rezeki, begitu juga teori qada qadar seboleh mungkin aku hayati… Alhamdulillah atas cubaan ini. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Nose

"I recognise the nose"..

Glurrrpp..Who is this? In the middle of my conversation with friends from industry during seminar's break just interject with 'the nose' word.

I stared at her with puzzle looking face. "Ya, hidung you.  Memang you ni Ida kan...."
And when the kelate slang started to sip in, I gave a quick guess.."Sape yer,  sori la, I tak ingat..Sekolah Zainab ke?"

"Tak ingat ke?" - Does not cross my mind - "It's me la, Ti.. Muniyati"
Aarrgh then I remember and gave her a long glance with a big laugh.  Aku ingat ni bukan kali pertama orang tegur aku sebab kenal hidung aku... So I concluded that 'the nose' is pretty unique la kan..

So there I was meeting my classmates of more than 30 years.  As usual la..meeting long lost friends start a bit here and there about what has been and what is now...We started to reminsce the days that had gone by...

Back at home, I just couldn't help thinking again about my encounter with old classmate I met at the seminar today, who I last met in Los Angeles California during student days - nearly 30 years ago. Dejavu... I travelled from Stockton to LA to meet Ti and my other good friends Na.  At that time Ti study somewhere else but her boyfriend was in LA.  Na in NY also came down to LA.  Its normal for students to meet up in LA, because they normally kick-off their holiday break in Disneyland before they venture somewhere else.  So that's what we did - we explored LA, then moved on to Arizona to explore the great Grand Canyon (best uniques scenery with many shades and colors), Hover Dam, Death Valley, and what have you, then went on to Nevada to visit Las Vegas and Reno.  I remember we travelled 5 people - me, Ti, Na, Sabri and Kamil. It was a memorable journey, and it just come fresh in my mind when I met Ti today (too bad no pics - those analogue days just gone without storage in SD Card).  We talk about many things...but we also talk about the five friends travelled together 30 years ago - So after nearly 30 years, what story do we have for this five fellow?

Me:  Did you married to Sabri?

Ti:    Yes I did, but not to the same Sabri we met in LA.. Ex-Sabir duduk sama taman dengan I, but we pretended we don't know each other..I'm happy with the new Sabri

Me:  You know Na married to a Canadian kan..

Ti:     Yeah..I heard from the facebook la..What about you?

Me:   I'm married to nobody you know la..Anyway you remember Kamil? He, me and Na work in same company.  Na migrated to Canada now.. Ingat tak masa kita travel tu Kamil minat kat Na.  Well, we all ended working in the same company, but really we barely say hi to each other.. So now its only me and Kamil in same co..

Ti:     Hmm..never expect that we can met again to talk about this ye..

So that's the end of the short but beautiful reunion.. and the funny thing is she ended with a question; "Da, sori la I nak tanya you 'bobok' serupo dulu lagi ko?" Ha..ha..ha...Orang masih ingat aku orang paling bobok kat Sekolah Zainab..lepas 30 tahun - aku punya brand stays there..

So that's life.  I know I wouldn't take an extra effort to call her for lunch or anything in the future.  I just said to her, just in case we met again here for the meeting or something, we go for the lunch ya..Looking back at the past is really 'feel-good channel' (tayangan berulang-ulang kali).. But you can't look back too long because future is moving too fast a pace..

So thats how life is.  Its amazing how life is intricately planned by the Creators, that sometimes it criss-cross vertically and horizantally, sometimes it's overlay, sometimes you just leave the story for good... 

I'm loving it...

Note: Bobok = kenakalan yang melampau