Its not the usual weekend. Its special. Its very rare for the opportunity to have mom and dad in KL. So this is the weekend I'm always longing for. They arrived KL at about 3:00 p.m Saturday. Tired, but mom and dad look contented, for being able to be here again. The last time they were here is when I moved to this house two years ago. Still remember mom says 'I'm glad I still live to see your new house, this will be my last trip to KL lah...'. Well, Allah still gives her the strength to travel today, and I'm thankful to you Allah. Those days, when mom is still healthy, they will at least come to KL twice a year. When it's my 'pantang' time, they will be here for 40 days. During my overseas treat, be it on job assignment or my trip to Mekah - they'll be here to watch for kids and supervise my maid. But that has stopped 5 to 6 years ago. Mom becoming weaker by day. So its always us who go back to kampung, which is around 3 times a year. I think not enough, but thats all we can squeeze in. She is not so well nowadays. I can describe her sickness is sakit tua. No major health problems like HBP or heart problem. Just that she can be suddenly weak and have breathing problems. She always go for minor check-up but thats about it, cos she's not going for major overhaul at hospital. So we children, just respect her wish until it warrant us to do otherwise. I am thankful dad is quite healthy to do the errands - beside loyal maid who treat her well.
To celebrate, we have big family breakfast on Sunday morning. Abang Jee who drive them to KL is going back tonite by bus, so it is a courtesy to have this makan-makan before he went back. Of course Kak Na and the gang will come as well. For the feast, I cooked Nasi Dagang with Gulai Ayam and Gulai Ikan. Kak Na bought all the ingredients, while I am the tukang masak for the day.
This are my Nasi Dagang fare...together with Gulai Ayam, Gulai Ikan, telur rebus, sambal kelapa and sambal lada. Mmmm....yummy...To add more varieties, I bought roti canai special from nearby shops. So there goes my diet. The fare of hi-fat-hi-cholestrol to the highest order. Dad and hubby just skip these restirictions and just enjoy the morning gatherings.
I setup mini stall at the back compound it was a long breakfast we had that day. From gossip from Berita Minggu and Mingguan Malaysia (including hot photo of Abg Yi and Azharina came out that day in gossip column....), to Kak Na's house renovation, over free flow of drinks and kuih to complement.
By 3:00 p.m. I felt sleepy and get my 30 winks at the sofa. In between winks, and me listening to Sofia and Danial fighting over computer games, I am thankful to Allah for this blessed day. I have such a good time, with good food and good company.
Till next time. Cheerios...