Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Selamat Pengantin Baru Norfazlinna & Shahril

We have been waiting for this magical moment to come, and at last we welcome a new member in the family. After a year plus of engagement, the time has come to tie the knot. All of us quite busy on the pre-wedding few months before. We thank Allah that this wedding had been smoothly running and everybody is happy though tired (where got wedding not tired meh...). This wedding goes with full tradition Johor style, as Mak's wish for her only daughter and youngest in the family.

One of my contribution is hantaran. I actually have not much time, so I bought the materials needed and outsourced to the Diyana, for the crafting of it. Personally, I decorated two hantaran, which is Pulut Kuning with Bunga Telur and Bunga Rampai with Tepak Sireh. For Sirih Junjung that were bought from Chow Kit, I get beautiful traditional decorative items from Nira to add - hand-crafted flowers made of kapur sireh, betel nut and gambir. Its just unique that Shahril's mom praise me, creatively done she said. (Never mention it is a recycle from Nira's bro's wedding from the week before. Thanks Nira!!). So here's some of the pic.

I arrange this one...arrange jer

Towel - Shahril bought in JapanChocolate I bought in Geneva, Switzerland

Perfume also brought personally from Geneva, Switzerland

Pulut Kuning with Telur Pahar -semua buat sendiri termasuk pulut..

Sirih Junjung From Chowkit (tak international...tapi lawa gak) with Pinang, Kapur and Gambir from Nira

Gift from Shahril, pink theme, very sweet...

And this too...

31 May 2008 - The majlis starts off with akad nikah. It was a smooth one, Shahril made it right at the first time. Then there is lafaz Sakinah by Palin, just like those carried out in TV reality show Cari Menantu. It is full of emotion, but happiness. I can see in the parents eyes a mixed of emotion, happiness and sadness, well this is the 'youngest' impact. At night, it is Malam Berinai event. Even though called Malam Berinai, it's not berinai per se, as berinai has been carried out a nite earlier. So it is just another tepung tawar event, attended by both sides' close family, with pengantin keep changing 'umpteenth' of apparel. This is some of the pic for both.

Setelah selamat di ijab..terpancar nur kegembiraan

Gambar masa akad nikah. Left is Shahril's parents, right is my in-laws

Malam berinai - with me and the gang (camera ni tak best amik malam)

Palin with one the many dresses - tak leh keep track berapa kali tukar baju..

1 June 2008 - This is Majlis Bersanding day for our side. It is not that busy as we outsource most of the thing from food to pelayan. As for me, I have to cook lauk pengantin. So quite kelam kabut, coz I'm not that familiar with Mak's kitchen - like where the ingredients is placed. I cooked 4 types of extra lauk i.e. Buttered Fried Prawn, Fried Beef with Long Beans, Siakap Sweet N Sour and Ayam Golek. It's quite a hilly task because it is just me and my maid. Anyway, I managed to finish everthing including decorating and serving by 1:00 p.m. The rest of the day also goes smoothly. And we just glad when the day is over, like we have lifted off 10 tonnes of weight from our shoulder. Alhamdulillah! Not many pics from my camera coz un-professional cameramen Syahmi and Danial rather not paying attention when to click or not. And the angle of the pic is so poor...So I just paste Abang Yap's picture (Mak's pro cameramen nephew) here.

Doa tulus dua mempelai bersama dayang2 - Sofia is the tallest dayang

Taekwando by Haziq and Izzat replace the traditional silat..Nice show guys

Cake biting - new trend, to replace cake cutting

2 June 2008 - Its Bertandang day to the bridegroom's house. We filled-up the morning cleaning up the mess as we have to be back to KL tonight. Just to make sure Mak and Bak are OK once everybody left, so we really worked out in the morning. By afternoon, we prepared for the Bertandang session. It is also a nice reception on Shahril's side. We all have a good lunch and finally glad it is all over.
Procession to the bridegroom's house

The couple with Mak and Bak (kenapa cam sedih jer Bak?)

Me and Mak at the main table, makan tak hengat...(tembikai sebiji aku makan sorang2)
To the newly wed Fazlinna and Shahril, Selamat Pengantin Baru. This is the real beginning in life. First year is the hardest part of it...TOLERANCE towards each other is the big word here. When we come from two different background, meeting in the middle we must (Jedi's wisdom word from Starwars). Just leave your EGO behind (easier said than done)....then sail through. May Allah Bless Both of You....

Since this post came more than two weeks behind, dengar cerita si-pengantin perempuan dah fenin-fenin dah, bunting pelamin ke tu....Good luck guys..


Long Break From Posting

It's been a month since I posted the message in my blog. I know..I know..I'm the hangat-hangat tahik ayam type. Bukan la macam sahabat kita KL Traffic tu....Very the update one....Actually, so many things happening since my last posting, but I'm just too busy...well I'm not that good in time management..so in this and next post, I will back flash some of those important event that I want to share....

There are Mother's Day, Teacher's Day, my wedding anniversary, and my sis-in-law's wedding. I will keep my sis-in law wedding to the next post as I want to paste some pics.

First its Mother's Day - its just a quiet affair. After all the kids is in the midst of midterm exam. I get a wish from kids and hubby. Sofia will never miss the flowers she bought from her teacher. And I make calls to my mom too. Unfortunately, forgot to call my mom-in-law....kesian pulak...cos Palin said that the only person who wish mother's day to her is bakal menantu, Shahril. The rest just keep quite. Frankly, to me, mom's day is not a big deal. But this days, mom's day is well trump-up in the media, and every body knows about it. Any mother would feels good just to get that wish from their children or children-in-law or husband, and suprisingly some would feel 'neglected' if you dont wish them....

On 16 May it is Teacher's Day, (15 May last post kan...) I help out with children on the gift. During my old days, there will be only one gift to the form teacher each plus a cake to share with the class. We collect 50 sen each for this. But now my kids ask me to buy to all their favourite teachers which means more that one...plus one for my dearest sister who is also a teacher. Selamat Hari Guru to all teachers..your patient and preserverance stays forever in our heart...

This are the gift that we pack for the teachers the other day...all together 12, for all their favourite teachers...

Sofia with the gift, pagi-pagi sebelum pergi sekolah.

On 19 May 2008, its our Wedding Anniversary. Its the 18th anniversary. We normally celebrate anniversary by having special dinner. I am quite upset because he don't remember it (entah-entah buat lupa - sori bang..) until afternoon...

Anyway, its 18 beautiful years and I love every second of it. Semuga Allah memanjangkan jodoh kami dengan penuh keberkatan dan keredhaan. Well, just to back-flash those days, I just paste here the picture taken 18 years ago during the sambut menantu kat JB (ni aje la gambar yang ada kat dalam PC aku ni....) Notice how slim we are at that time? Now we are nearly double the size..sign of age they say...For this occassion we have dinner at nearby restaurant - Sabak Steamboat and Barbeque. There are quite a good spread in the buffet line and the best thing is, it is a DIY barbeque and steam, so hot and fresh from stove to stomach. There are spread of other food as well like mee, nasi and lauk-pauk. Quite similar to Restoran Seoul at Plaza Pantai, but additional varieties of other foods.

So much for the flash-back..next post will be on my sis-in-law wedding pulak...after I download all the pics...


Thursday, May 15, 2008


Last weekend is bagel weekends. Why? Coz 2 hari berturut kita orang buat bagel...kita orang tu me and my hubby la...aku tolong bakar. Dia uli pakai breadmaker jer..Yg hari Ahad, my sister in-law nak belajar, so kita buat lagi sekali. It is quickly sold-out cos all of us love bagel. Panas2 la pulak...This delicous bagel recipe is from Miza. Bukan la Miza yang cipta resepi tuh...Tapi Miza yang cari from http://www.myresipi.com/. Biasalah Miza ni, masa dia baru beli breadmaker hari tuh, macam nak gila bersemangat nak buat roti la, bagel la..Last-last aku yg buat (sori Mija). Kat website ni, cari lah category roti, jumpa la bagel.

I learn to love bagel when I studied in US many-many years ago. Dulu masa study kat US, ada buat part-time kat college's dining hall. I would always take breakfast shift cause all my classes start 9:00 a.m and above. So, I can have free breakfast plus extra money for shopping. Itu pun seminggu dua kali jerk..So kat sini lah aku start makan bagel. Bagel best eaten with cream cheese. At that time, aku ingat semua cheese halal so aku belasah jer la...ya la zaman jahiliyah. Tengok tu, tengok la ingrediants, tapi asal tak dak tulis babi, layan jer la. Tak tahu lak rennet tu can be from babi nyer usus. Sekarang cari yang ada logo halal. Walau aku tahu ada tanda halal yg tak berapa reliable, aku tawakkal jer la. Aku ingat balik cerita bagel ni bila pi Korea. Korean loves bagel and they taste good too. Kat sana, Dunkin Donuts pun jual bagel. Masa nak balik, I buy a dozen of bagel at airport outlet. And walla...everybody loves it...

So friends, aku tepek kat sini gambar glamor bagel aku yang bakal merembes air lioq hangpa semua...

Plain bagel, chedar cheese flavor and mix italian spice flavor..yummy..

Yg cheese tu a lil bit overdone...tapi sedap babe. My kids love the plain one while my hubby love the italian spice.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Not the Usual Weekend

Its not the usual weekend. Its special. Its very rare for the opportunity to have mom and dad in KL. So this is the weekend I'm always longing for. They arrived KL at about 3:00 p.m Saturday. Tired, but mom and dad look contented, for being able to be here again. The last time they were here is when I moved to this house two years ago. Still remember mom says 'I'm glad I still live to see your new house, this will be my last trip to KL lah...'. Well, Allah still gives her the strength to travel today, and I'm thankful to you Allah. Those days, when mom is still healthy, they will at least come to KL twice a year. When it's my 'pantang' time, they will be here for 40 days. During my overseas treat, be it on job assignment or my trip to Mekah - they'll be here to watch for kids and supervise my maid. But that has stopped 5 to 6 years ago. Mom becoming weaker by day. So its always us who go back to kampung, which is around 3 times a year. I think not enough, but thats all we can squeeze in. She is not so well nowadays. I can describe her sickness is sakit tua. No major health problems like HBP or heart problem. Just that she can be suddenly weak and have breathing problems. She always go for minor check-up but thats about it, cos she's not going for major overhaul at hospital. So we children, just respect her wish until it warrant us to do otherwise. I am thankful dad is quite healthy to do the errands - beside loyal maid who treat her well.

To celebrate, we have big family breakfast on Sunday morning. Abang Jee who drive them to KL is going back tonite by bus, so it is a courtesy to have this makan-makan before he went back. Of course Kak Na and the gang will come as well. For the feast, I cooked Nasi Dagang with Gulai Ayam and Gulai Ikan. Kak Na bought all the ingredients, while I am the tukang masak for the day.

This are my Nasi Dagang fare...together with Gulai Ayam, Gulai Ikan, telur rebus, sambal kelapa and sambal lada. Mmmm....yummy...To add more varieties, I bought roti canai special from nearby shops. So there goes my diet. The fare of hi-fat-hi-cholestrol to the highest order. Dad and hubby just skip these restirictions and just enjoy the morning gatherings.

Everybody tambah dua kali..Chehh..perasan sedap la tuh.

I setup mini stall at the back compound it was a long breakfast we had that day. From gossip from Berita Minggu and Mingguan Malaysia (including hot photo of Abg Yi and Azharina came out that day in gossip column....), to Kak Na's house renovation, over free flow of drinks and kuih to complement.

After late break from the breakfast, we headed for Kak Na's house for another glutonny feast. After such a full stomach in the morning, we (means our stomach) can still manage for another good lunch of sup tulang, gulai daging, ikan bakar with air asam with ulam-ulam and budu and ayam and ikan goreng.

By 3:00 p.m. I felt sleepy and get my 30 winks at the sofa. In between winks, and me listening to Sofia and Danial fighting over computer games, I am thankful to Allah for this blessed day. I have such a good time, with good food and good company.

Till next time. Cheerios...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My First Day Blogging

Well, I'm a lover of blogs - reading them that is. I especially love blogs on local entertainment and politics. Local entertainment info best found on the net - gossip terpanas dan terawal. I've first found out about Dato' K and Siti over the net. And the story is much more detail and uncensored than those published in the paper or mags. Kalau semua kerja dah settle, layan jer la...For the political blogs, I love to visit Jeff Ooi's blogs and other oppositions blogosphere for a simple reason...those stories, opinions and what not were not published by the medias. Lately I heard that Umno members who want to contest for the post during the assembly are required to have blogs. Now we have Khir Toyo's Blog, Muhammad Taib's blog and more to come.. So far I have never been to these blogs. I supposed, since they enjoy airtime in the media so they might probably say the same thing in the blogs as what we read or watch in the newspaper or TV. That aside, never had I the courage to produce my own blogs. It is just that this morning, Nira comes to me and ask me to look for the new langsir she bought at Nagoya. Baru aku terfikir, well, aku pun ada juga benda yang aku nak merepek about...and then...here comes the blog..here comes the blog..(sing to the tune of 'here comes the bride').

So why do I choose 'Aku Takut Ular' for my blogs name? Simple isn't it, sebab aku memang takut ular pun. So now comes my first posting. I only hope that I have the courage to update it regularly. Aku ni boleh tahan gak hangat-hangat taik ayam pandu...mula-mula semangat la kan. Lama-lama hampeh sampai naik lipas kat blog aku ni (nira, your other half takut lipas kan...?). Anyway, hope that will not happen la kan. I treasure everyday of my life...so why not share with you my good friends.

Till next post...Cheerios